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Challenge: Silk-screen printing-baked license plate line

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The production system for the manufacture of license plates consists of several phases, one of which is the black silk-screen printing + baking of the plates. The production process is carried out manually by an operator who obtains the plates and manually silkscreens the plates in pairs, depositing them later on a system of racks. Subsequently, these carts are introduced into the oven where they are subjected to the baking process with the characteristic curve. This drying treatment produces a bottleneck in the production of the plates and does not allow an improvement in the hourly production


It is necessary to implement an automatic screen printing system for the plates with a continuous supply of plates by means of conveyor belts passing through a continuous oven. This dimensioning must take into account the curing times necessary for the plate to come out dry in perfect condition to be able to continue the following production process.

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