
MAESTRALE Newsletter 7

Maestrale shows the way

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MAESTRALE has reached its final stage and the curtain is closing. It has been a great trip with the MAESTRALE partnership, that has shown that it is possible to envision a future that includes Blue Energies (BEs), even in the Mediterranean area. It is true that some of the technologies that aim to exploit BEs are still at the early stage. But the feasibility studies carried out in the Blue Energy Labs thanks to MAESTRALE in the 10 regions and 8 countries of the Med area have shown a great degree of applicability.
Constrains including legal, environmental and landscape issues are often different from place to place and therefore the political will is the key to the real development of BEs. If politicians and policy makers around the MED area are serious on willing to change the pattern of energy production from fossil fuels to sustainable energies, BEs have to enter the picture. MAESTRALE has used a participatory processes, involving citizens in the discussion on BEs: the reactions have been very satisfactory, with curiosity and positivity largely overcoming scepticism or adversity.
So, there is a future for MAESTRALE and for its results, a future even more brilliant than expected at the beginning: wind, waves (offshore and inshore), salinity gradient, thermal gradient, currents, tides can all together contribute to the necessary replacement of fossil fuels. And BEs are rapidly rising on the priority list at the government levels.

>>> Download here the rest of the newsletter ☝️

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