
Blue Economy Naples Brokerage Event 2017

Blue Economy Naples Brokerage Event 2017

CEEI Valencia will be present as a project partner of Maestrale project.

el miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017 de 08:30 a 20:30


Eurostars Hotel Excelsior - Napoli

Via Partenope, 48


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Blue Economy - Naples Brokerage Event 2017  is the Brokerage Event organized on the occasion of UfM Regional Stakeholder Conference on Blue Economy, within the activities of Enterprise Europe Network  BRIDGeconomies_2 Consortium and in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network Maritime Sector Group.

CEEI Valencia will be present as a project partner of Maestrale project.


The UfM Regional Stakeholder Conference on Blue Economy will take place in Naples (Italy) on 29-30 November 2017 with the ultimate aim to: i) consolidate the Mediterranean blue economy community through the exchange of ideas and views among key stakeholders; ii) capitalize on the experiences and lessons learned so as to stimulate cross-fertilization and foster large partnerships; iii) discuss the opportunities and challenges of the various blue economy sectors in terms of jobs creation and investments potential.

This two-day international and multi-stakeholder Conference will gather governments’ representatives, regional/local authorities, business sector, universities/training and education centers, international development agencies, international organizations, and civil society organizations dealing with marine and maritime issues

In the framework of the  Conference,  on the 29th  November a Brokerage Event will be  organized,  within the activities of Enterprise Europe Network –BRIDGeconomies_2 Consortium and in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network Maritime Sector Group.


The Brokerage Event will be held at Excelsior Hotel in Naples, Room Posillipo B and will involve companies, governments’ representatives, regional/local authorities, business sector, universities/training and education centers, international development agencies, international organizations, dealing with marine and maritime issues in order to discuss and develop ideas, projects and business opportunities.


In pre-arranged bilateral meetings, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • discuss about cooperation opportunities on blue economy;
  • share projects and proposals;
  • find new partners;
  • establish new business relationships.


Please  register your profile through the  official web site:


the deadline  is: 27 November 2017

for further info:


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