
Open Ecosystem for innovation

EBN Congress 2017

Comienzo: el miércoles, 05 de julio de 2017 a las 09:00
Finaliza: el viernes, 07 de julio de 2017 a las 18:00


Centre des Arts d'Enghien-les-Bains


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EBN Congress 2017

EBN Congress 2017

EBN is a network of around 150 quality-certified EU|BICs (business and innovation centres) and 100 other organisations that support the development and growth of innovative entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs. EBN is also a community of professionals whose day-to-day work helps these businesses to grow in the most effective, efficient and sustainable way.

More information 

The annual gathering of professionals in the innovation and entrepreneurship sphere, will be jointly organised this year by EBN, Retis, EU|BIC Val d’Oise Technopole and Agoranov. From July 5 to 7 in Enghien-les-Bains Congress following the General Assembly of UNESCO Creative Cities.

This congress will host participants from not just all over Europe, but also South Africa, China, Russian Federation, India, Canada, United States, Brazil, Taiwan...

In 2017 the Congress will be structured around the idea of "OPEN"


And it will propose, as well a challenge, participating startups, corporates, investors and innovation ecosystems.

Indeed, for some years innovation ecosystems are rapidly changing with institutional development thanks to the presence of new actors, new visions, the rapid growth of digital, the cloud and big data, the implementation of agile process and open innovation within corporates.

The 26th EBN Congress will focus on these developments, Open Innovation and Open Ecosystems Challenges aimed at Congress partners and international startups from our ecosystems.

Over three days, the most innovative, most disruptive, and most original practices will be presented, contributing to the evolution of our methods. The Open Ecosystems Challenge will bring into place the most originals initiatives to be rewarded.


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