
Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

Successful Entrepreneurs

Some examples

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 29 de julio de 2014 a las 12:16

The characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and businessmen are often easily recognizable, but sometimes you do not know what tools or strategies have led them to achieve this success. What is certain is that some features or modus operandi are repeated in many success stories and people, and it is convenient to know it, and as far as possible, apply in our career.


In this article, James Stephenson lists and explains the 25 characteristics in common with successful entrepreneurs, which serve as reference to apply in our production process or inspire the way we take our idea or business.


Some of the ideas and features are basic, but sometimes it is necessary and useful to make a list with examples of all the qualities and essential points that you sometimes forget, and they represent the essence of success in your business.


Such as do what you enjoy, take what you do seriously, plan everything, manage money wisely, remember it's all about the customer, project a positive business image, get to know your customers, become known as an expert, create a competitive advantage, invest in yourself, be accessible, build a rock-solid reputation, get involved, grab attention, master the art of negotiations or take time off.


Read the article 25 Common Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs. The traits that help home-based business owners thrive.

Fuente original del contenido:

James Stephenson  


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