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CEEI Valencia Drives Change in Croatia with the CO2 PACMAN Project

CEEI Valencia impulsa el cambio en Croacia con el proyecto CO2 PACMAN
Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Valencia

Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Valencia

Publicado el viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2024 a las 16:22

CEEI Valencia joined the first "Rooting Lab" of the CO2 PACMAN project, held from September 17 to 19 in Split and the island of Brač, Croatia. This initiative aims to guide the island towards a greener, more sustainable future by developing joint solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and achieve climate neutrality.

Over the three-day event, various activities encouraged the exchange of ideas, collaboration with local stakeholders, and experimentation with innovative tools for sustainable development planning. The agenda included interactive workshops, roundtables, and visits to key facilities, addressing topics such as energy, tourism, agriculture, and waste management.

CEEI Valencia played a key role by moderating the "open innovation" workshops, where local businesses worked together to identify major challenges and create practical solutions. Carmen Renovell and Laura Sánchez led discussions that tackled real issues related to sustainability, such as water management and energy efficiency.

The event also focused on education and raising environmental awareness. High school students participated in workshops with interactive tools to better understand carbon reduction options. Additionally, a virtual reality simulation allowed participants to visualize how different solutions could impact the island's environment.

The "Rooting Lab" concluded with an analysis of the ideas contributed, laying the groundwork for the next phase of the project in 2025, which will involve selecting innovative proposals. The insights gained will be crucial in designing strategies to guide Mediterranean islands toward climate neutrality.

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