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Grespania chooses Innova to protect its ceramic slabs with Stretch Hood XL

Linea Embalaje XL Grespania Coverlam

It is an innovative automatic XL packaging line to protect Grespania Coverlam's large format ceramic slabs.



Publicado el martes, 30 de mayo de 2023 a las 17:21

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Stretch Hood XL para Losas Cerámicas

Stretch Hood XL para Losas Cerámicas

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Línea Embalaje Enfundado Stretch Hood XL

Línea Embalaje Enfundado Stretch Hood XL

Grespania trusts again in Innova with a Stretch Hood XL line for its Coverlam factory. The new installation, in operation since 2023, represents a breakthrough in the automation of large-format packaging with the Stretch Hood XL wrapping system to protect its large ceramic slabs. This new packaging line, completed earlier this year at its Moncofar plant, reinforces Grespania's commitment to Innova as its packaging partner, in addition to two complete packaging lines installed at its Castellón factory in 2020.   


Grespania Coverlam specializes in the production of ultralight and resistant ceramic surfaces and is one of the leading companies in the sector and a reference in Spain. With this new large-format project, the company has decided to go for full automation and sustainability in its new production line. The Stretch Hood project is in line with its objectives in this area, as it contributes in terms of energy savings and film use compared to other packaging systems and processes.


Grespania's challenge: large scale protection


Grespania's new large-format ceramic tile is a high-quality product that requires adequate protection during handling and transportation. Therefore, the choice of Innova Group's Stretch Hood XL system has been a strategic decision for the company, as it has significantly improved the efficiency and quality of its logistics process.


Grespania asked Innova the need for packaging for this special format, to which Innova responded with this newly developed system. Innova's Stretch Hood XL is an innovative solution in the sector, being the only Spanish manufacturer of packaging systems that offers this solution. The new system uses a Stretch Hood film adapted to Grespania's format dimensions, highly specialized and tear-resistant to protect the ceramic slabs from humidity, dust, and damage during transport and storage. For large format companies, the Stretch Hood solution offers optimal protection in a field where no automatic solutions were available.



The installation at Grespania Coverlam

At the Coverlam plant, Innova installed a line consisting of the Stretch Hood system together with a pallet conveyor line adapted to the large format.

- Conveyor line:

The line includes pallet infeed with special forklifts, a pallet centering system prior to stretch hooding, a chain conveyor on the Stretch Hood machine adapted to the parts' A-frame base, and finally pallet outfeed conveyors.





  • Stretch Hood Pro | XL:

The Stretch Hood Pro XL model is specially designed for large formats, with the capacity to wrap dimensions up to 3,500 mm long and up to 2,000 mm high. It also provides great autonomy in wrapping with two film reels.


Innova's Stretch Hood XL can also be fully adapted to the contour and shape of the A-frame, thanks to its exclusive hooding ring system that offers greater precision and speed in packaging.





Results for Grespania

The installation of Innova's Stretch Hood XL system at Grespania Coverlam provides key benefits for the ceramic company. First, the effective protection offered by the Stretch Hood XL ensures that Grespania's large-format products reach its customers in perfect condition, without damage or deformation. In addition, the automation of the packaging process allows for greater efficiency on the production line and reduced costs, while improving the quality and image of your final packaging.




In short, the installation of this high-quality packaging system at Grespania Coverlam is a strategic project for the company that improves the quality of its products and the efficiency of its packaging process. For its part, Grespania has expressed its satisfaction with the new packaging line and its results.


For Innova Group, the Grespania project has been a technological challenge to which we are proud to provide a solution and which has contributed to innovation in the field of large-format packaging. We feel fortunate to be able to work with companies of the standing of Grespania, with whom we hope to continue collaborating.


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