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PITCCH Call: bringing together SMEs and Large enterprises through challenges


INNOSUP funded programme PITCCH announces the 2nd Call for Corporate Challenges

Hasta el sábado, 31 de julio de 2021 a las 23:59

Modern industries rely on innovative technologies, which small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often provide. To make optimal use of novel technologies, SMEs and large enterprises need to work together, employ knowledge and resources outside of their own organisations. This collaborative approach is also known as Open Innovation.


The PITCCH project aims to increase the competitiveness of European industries by building a Pan-European Open Innovation Network. In a nutshell, technology centres act as intermediaries to facilitate structured collaborations between big corporations as technology seekers and SMEs as technology providers.


  • Increases the chance of breakthrough innovation;
  • Accelerates the market uptake of advanced technologies in different sectors;
  • Reduces financial risks;
  • Increases returns on investment.

The focus of PITCCH lies on advanced technologies such as: Photonics, nanotechnology, nano-electronics, industrial biotechnology, advanced materials & manufacturing and digital technologies.

ADDRESSED TO: SMEs and Large enterprises.

PITCCH brings together SMEs and Large enterprises through challenges. Large companies propose a challenge and SMEs solve it using their innovative technology. PITCCH helps both types of firms find the best possible partners to achieve real results.

PITCCH is looking for Challenges that require novel solutions not available on the market yet, hence involve some research activities, and that are not part of a Big Corporation’s existing R&D programme with other partners.


Large enterprises (following the EU definition) are welcome to submit their Corporate Challenges on the PITCCH Open Innovation Platform.

If you your company is facing such a challenge, you can submit your proposal before 31st July 2021.

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