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MariMatch en SMM 2022


el jueves, 08 de septiembre de 2022 de 00:00 a 01:00

The Enterprise Europe Network invites all exhibitors and visitors of SMM Hamburg 2022 to participate in the international brokerage event “MariMatch at SMM”. Focus is equally on innovative solutions for sustainability and digitization as on the expansion of international contacts. Take this opportunity to get to know future business and research partners and expand your maritime networks! Register free of charge, book meetings in advance and enjoy efficient networking at SMM.

MariMatch at SMM 2022 provides:

  • Pre-arranged 20-minutes B2B-meetings on September 8th and 9th
  • Consultancy on EU-Funding for maritime research and innovation
  • Advisory on sustainable innovation
  • Guided Tours “Innovation from Northern Germany” in cooperation with Maritime Cluster Northern Germany
Topics Offers and requests for innovative solutions such as
  • Alternative propulsion
  • Emission reduction
  • Efficiency and circular economy
  • Digitization and Automation
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • New materials

Matching with international partners within all categories present at SMM such as

  • Shipbuilding and shipyard industry
  • Ship equipment
  • Propulsion and electronics
  • Marine interiors
  • Port technology & cargo systems
  • Maritime services
  • Shipping business and charterers
  • Marine technology

Participation is free of charge for exhibitors and visitors of SMM. Meetings must be booked in advance, consultations can also be requested spontaneously on site.

EU-funding advice

In cooperation with NCP „Climate, Energy and Mobility“ we invite participants of MariMatch at SMM 2022 to learn more about European funding opportunities for maritime research, development and innovation projects and to discuss their project ideas with the German NCP expert for shipping and marine technology. Book a meeting with: Ralf Fiedler.

DATE: September 8 and 9, 2022
VENUE: SMM Hamburg in Hall B.4, upper floor (via the east entrance)

MariMatch facilitates pre-arranged meetings, therefore please sign up well in advance, registration closes September 5th 2022

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