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EBN 2021 Congress: Emergent Futures

ebn congress

Online event 14 and 15 september

Comienzo: el martes, 14 de septiembre de 2021 a las 10:30
Finaliza: el miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2021 a las 18:00

EBN 2020 Congress. Regional ecosystems that shape European innovation.

The pandemic is not the only crisis we’re facing in 2020. Current megatrends demonstrate the urgent need for a transition to a fair and sustainable society. Now, more than ever, the world is looking to the innovation community for responses to existential challenges and new pathways towards wellbeing and global development.

How can entrepreneurial innovators and their support actors build back more resilient ecosystems, supporting the transition to a new digital, green and fair golden age? 
Hosted in partnership with the EU|BIC community this two-day online summit will debate, re-imagine, and co-design the critical factors for delivering innovation impact. 
Building on the success of previous conferences, the EBN Congress will bring together corporate leaders, senior-level government officials, business incubation executives, and innovative experts. Inspired by engaging speakers we discuss our future pathways based around these agenda themes:
  • What and who are the key drivers of European innovation?
  • Do we have the right vision on what is critical?
  • How can innovation support resilience?
  • Do we know what we need, to act?

DATE: September 14 - 15, 2021

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact EBN at [email protected]

EBN 2020 Congress. Regional ecosystems that shape European innovation. For 35 years, EBN and EBN members have been supporting innovative entrepreneurs and startups, both regionally and locally. EBN members have become a valuable player in Europe's innovation ecosystem.

Panel speaker preview #EBN2021


Panel 1 - Regions across Europe – and beyond: Unique societal challenges, innovative solutions and new areas to explore?

Global challenges require global solutions. Working together reduces the global burden, pools resources, and achieves greater impact.’’

Moderator: Cristina Fanjul, President at EBN & Managing Director at EU|BIC CEEI Asturias

· Ramy Boujawdeh, Deputy General Manager at EU|BIC Berytech

· Diego Debiasio, Vice-President at EBN & CEO at EU|BIC Technoport

· Prof. Zohar Ben-Asher, Chief Scientist & Director at EuCRF 

· Hans Stausboll, Head of Unit for EU-Africa relations at European Commission, DG INTPA

9:45 CET

Panel 2 - Futures of Incubation: Models to deliver breakthroughs in innovation

EU|BICs are varied and diverse. The community has developed several breakthrough approaches & methodologies to support disruptive innovations.

Moderator: Amparo de San José Riestra, Entrepreneurship Program Manager at EIT Food

· Gitte Schober, Coordinator Center of Entrepreneurship at EU|BIC StartHub Wageningen

· Anna Tórz, Incubation and Monitoring Expert at EU|BIC Poznan Science and Technology Park

· Emilien Watelet, Incubation Director at EU|BIC CAP Innove 

· Ludovic Centonze, International Business Development Director at Orange Fab

11:15 CET

Panel 3 - Using challenge-driven approaches, co-creation and co-design: Methodologies for a green, digital and fair transition

Why we need to embed demand-driven innovation in incubation, and how co-creation methodologies can drive towards efficient, fair and sustainable responses.

Moderator: Andrea Di Anselmo, Vice-President at EU|BIC Associate META Group

  • Tom Boyle, Head of Network Development at Climate Action Network
  • Agnieszka Włodarczyk, Project Manager at EU|BIC Krakow Technology Park
  • Roberta Dall'Olio, Head of EU Policies at EU|BIC ART-ER & President at EURADA 
  • TBD, Representative from EU|BIC CEEIM

14:00 CET


European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN)
6.019 visitas

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