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Call Smart Agrifood Summit 2019

Convocatoria Smart Agrifood Summit

Hasta el viernes, 14 de junio de 2019 a las 23:59

Smart Agrifood Summit a forum in which current issues for the digital transformation of the agri-food sector will be discussed.

To create a business ecosystem around Agrifood, we are launching a new Call For Startup to stimulate, energize and select innovative projects according to several criteria. The selected projects will be presented to the judges and rounds of investors in an Elevator Pitch for 5 minutes.

The prizes will be the following:

Award for the best Startup.
Award for the most innovative Startup.
Startup Award with the highest scalability in the market.
Startup Award that includes social responsibility in gender equality. issues
Startup Award with the best technological solution.

The awards will consist of a range of resources for startups. (accommodation for your operations and address, space in the cloud, connectivity, tutoring by the European Foundation for Innovation, and an accreditation diploma.)

The sponsoring companies in the event can also award prizes to new companies and the organization will announce them in advance of the event.

DEADLINE: Until June 14, 2019


Fuente original del contenido:

Smart Agrifood Summit  

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