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ORBEL - Challenge definition

retos OI SOMA Destaca
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Orbelgrupo is a company located in Almassora (Castellón), founded in 1978 and mainly dedicated to the purchase, sale and rental of industrial machinery. However, it is also engaged in others activities such as robotics, fleet management, industrial training or industrial logistics. It is a company that currently has +50 workers and is divided into three areas. The first area bases its activity on the purchase and sale of machinery, as has been seen previously. The second  area, called Almacar, is focused on the sale and rental of second-hand machinery. Finally, the third area, named Industrial Academy, promotes industrial training. 

The main problem that has been detected is that the most frequent operation is renting, which is composed of a fixed monthly fee and a linear amortization. However,  the customer trend is  payment for  use and   not a fixed monthly fee.  Thus, the intention of the challenge is the development of an application that controls the payment for use of machines in the intralogistics sector. 

The purpose of the challenge is to develop an application with the following features: 

- Show the machines available for renting 

- Indicate each machine with its respective pay-per-use rate 

- Include the transport fee for each machine 

- Display  hours of use,  GPS position in real time, fault notice, hours remaining until the next  review, etc. 

Therefore, the requirements of this application are the following: 

- The application must be connected to Navision ERP 

- The application must be connected to the telemetry system 

- The application must allow to activate and deactivate the machine 

To sum up, the challenge is to develop an application that optimizes payment for use of machinery in the intralogistics sector. In addition, we seek the application of this technology in other related areas such as the rental of electric motorcycles or electric scooters,  especially car rental. 

Visitas: 7.327  Descargas: 311

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