
VIRTUAL OPEN DAY BioNanoPolys February 17th from 11.00 to 12.30 h. online


Open call: How to develop, test or scale up bionanomaterials for free in the BioNanoPolys pilot lines network

el viernes, 17 de febrero de 2023 de 11:00 a 12:30


ITENE (presencial y online)

Carrer d'Albert Einstein, 1

Paterna (Valencia)

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In this event we will explain how companies from different sectors can develop, test or scale up bionanomaterials for free in the BioNanoPolys network of pilot plants thanks to an open call, to which applications can be submitted from 17 February to 30 April.


The Horizon 2020-funded BioNanoPolys project offers a network of 14 upgraded pilot lines and transversal process parametrization services such as monitoring and modelling, and business, safety, sustainability, and innovation capabilities.

These pilot plants network will develop new safe bionanomaterials, polymeric bionanocomposites and materials for multifunctional applications and new advanced applications.

The OITB will benefit companies involved in the production of polymers, cellulose paper, nonwovens, foams, and coatings, as well as the packaging, agriculture, food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, hygiene, textiles, and 3D printing sectors.

ITENE, coordinator of BIONANOPOLYS, organizes this workshop on February 17th from 11.00 to 12.30 h. online through the GoToWebinar platform.



  • To explain the technological challenges addressed by the European BioNanoPolys project to make the introduction of bio-based nanomaterials on the market a reality.
  • To show the capabilities and services that the OITB of the BioNanoPolys project will offer thanks to the performance of experiments with new materials, modelling and simulation services and other consultancy services such as innovation management, compliance with regulations and standards, and technology transfer.
  • To present scenarios and business opportunities in the use of bio-based nanomaterials for various sectors (packaging, cosmetics, medicine, foams, coatings, 3D printing, textiles and nonwovens, and cellulose paper).
  • To present the cooperation possibilities for companies to test their developments free of charge in the pilot plants and services offered, with funding from the BioNanoPolys project.

Addressed to

  • Companies producing, supplying, or using biomass, bionanocomposites or bionanomaterials.
  • Companies involved in the production of polymers, cellulose paper, non-woven fabrics, foams, or coatings, as well as in the packaging, agriculture, food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, hygiene, textile, and 3D printing sectors.
  • Experts from universities and specialised research centres who want to develop bio-based materials, or who want to validate materials they have developed in-house.

Programme: Virtual Open Day BIONANOPOLYS – How to develop, test or scale up bionanomaterials for free in the BioNanoPolys pilot lines network. 17th February, 2023





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