
First Minute Travel Sociedad Limitada.

Empresa - Excursiones en la isla canarias y de lanzarote

Arrecife (Palmas, Las) España

First Minute Transfer


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Calle la ines, 10, Arrecife
Arrecife (Palmas, Las) España



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Family-Friendly Airport Transfers in Lanzarote: What You Need to Know

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Family-Friendly Airport Transfers in Lanzarote: What You Need to Know 

Safety is a top priority when travelling with children

Travelling with family can be an exciting adventure, but it also comes with its challenges, especially when navigating transportation in a new...


Top Lanzarote Airport Transfers and First-Day Itineraries

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Top Lanzarote Airport Transfers and First-Day Itineraries 

Read more and plan your trip

Arriving at a new destination can be both exciting and a bit daunting, especially when it comes to navigating from the airport to your accommodation....


Lanzarote's Hidden Gems: Off-the-Beaten-Path Adventures

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Lanzarote's Hidden Gems: Off-the-Beaten-Path Adventures 

Best off-the-beaten-path adventures in Lanzarote

Lanzarote, renowned for its volcanic landscapes and turquoise beaches, is a treasure trove of less-travelled paths and secluded spots waiting to be...


Best boat trips in Lanzarote

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Best boat trips in Lanzarote 

Another way to enjoy the island

Lanzarote, a jewel in the Atlantic, offers more than just its volcanic landscapes and pristine beaches. The surrounding azure waters beckon with...


Budget-Friendly Lanzarote Transfer Options

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Budget-Friendly Lanzarote Transfer Options 

Hitching a Ride in Paradise

Lanzarote, the easternmost of the Canary Islands, beckons with its ethereal landscapes, year-round sunshine, and a laid-back vibe that's hard to...


Walking Tours of Costa Teguise: Exploring the Town on Foot

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Walking Tours of Costa Teguise: Exploring the Town on Foot 

The Enchanting Walks of Costa Teguise

Costa Teguise, one of Lanzarote's most picturesque coastal towns, offers a delightful blend of natural beauty, architectural charm, and vibrant...


What is the difference between airport transfer and taxis?

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What is the difference between airport transfer and taxis? 

Understanding your transportation options

Travelling can be an exhilarating experience, but getting to and from the airport is often one of the less glamorous aspects. Understanding your...


The Evolution of Puerto del Carmen

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The Evolution of Puerto del Carmen 

From Fishing Village to Tourist Hotspot

Puerto del Carmen, a gem on the coast of Lanzarote, Canary Islands, has seen an extraordinary evolution from a tranquil fishing village to a bustling...


Experiencias únicas: Bodegas y cata de vinos en Lanzarote

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Experiencias únicas: Bodegas y cata de vinos en Lanzarote 

Enoturismo en Lanzarote

Lanzarote, famosa por sus paisajes lunares y playas idílicas, también esconde un tesoro líquido: su tradición vitivinícola. Esta isla canaria no solo...


Guía para observar estrellas en Lanzarote: Una experiencia astronómica inolvidable

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Guía para observar estrellas en Lanzarote: Una experiencia astronómica inolvidable 

Lanzarote ofrece actividades para todos los gustos, una de ellas es la observación de estrellas

Lanzarote, una isla de belleza natural y cielos nocturnos impresionantes, ofrece una experiencia astronómica inolvidable. Si estás buscando tours low...


Pitfalls to Avoid When Travelling to Lanzarote This Summer

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Pitfalls to Avoid When Travelling to Lanzarote This Summer 

Dodge the Missteps: Pitfalls to Avoid When Travelling to Lanzarote This Summer Dodge the Missteps

Lanzarote, the enchanting island of Spain's Canary Islands, promises an unforgettable summer getaway with its surreal volcanic landscapes, stunning...


What makes Lanzarote a popular tourist destination?

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What makes Lanzarote a popular tourist destination? 

This island is favourite of tourist in Europe

Tourists from all over the world looks for this island every year looking for it’s awesome weather and the beautiful landscapes. To help you planning...


How to pack for a week trip on a cabin bag?

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How to pack for a week trip on a cabin bag? 

Organize your cabin bag for a week trip to Lanzarote and enjoy the most of the island

Planning a week-long trip and trying to fit everything into a cabin bag can be a daunting task. But with the right tips and tricks, it is possible to...



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